Monday, February 26, 2007

Automated laser hybrid welding

Force Technology has Scandinavia’s largest laser centre where we carry out laser welding with some of the most modern and precise equipment in the business. The laser centre is used for the research and development of new processes for laser machining and for zero-series production for national and international companies.

Automated laser hybrid welding
The laser centre has helped the European Space Agency with the advanced laser welding of rocket nozzles and manufactured gas cylinders for use with airbags for the automobile industry.
The centre’s facilities include a number of modern industrial lasers which overall cover a wide spectrum of uses and make possible the laser welding of items of varying thickness, from a few millimetres to several centimetres.
· CO2 lasers for laser welding with an output (CW) of 3.5 kW and 17 kW respectively
· Nd:YAG lasers with an output of 400 W (pulsed avr.)
· Fibre optically coupled Nd:YAG lasers with an output of 4.0kW (CW)
· LASMA ducting with granite plane
· XY-workstation with a capacity of up to 1800 kg
· XYZ-workstations with various capacities
· A robot which can be coupled with the Nd:YAG laser via a fibre optic cable
· Glovebox with controllable atmosphere for the handling of processes using titanium
· Facilities for thermal spraying.
Lasers, workstations and robots can be used together via advanced controls which ensure a high and consistent quality, whether it is for laser drilling, laser fusing or regular laser welding.
Variety of tasks The laser centre carries out a variety of tasks both large and small, for example, laser welding, advanced laser fusing of surfaces and development of procedures for welding. We also take part in international
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